Hello having just returned to Cape Town, South Africa I must place on record my visit to your lovely cemetery. I have never seen a cemetery as pretty and well maintained as yours. Everything is immaculate and well tended, your flowers and trimmed lawn a joy to see. My wife and I are very impressed.

Your Victoria Cross grave to John Travers Cornwell VC proudly adorned with poppies. I visited some sixteen Victoria Cross graves in a week prior to visiting your cemetery and not a poppy in sight! Thank you.

Lesley and Murray M


The Office girls are so helpful – a big thank you. They called a groundsman called P. Please thank him so much for all his help and all the other men.

Margaret C


Thank you all for your kind support given to us in our loss of C G on Friday.



Such a peaceful natural setting amidst the traffic of London, somewhere for thoughts and happy memories. Thank you to the whole team at Manor Park.

Susan B


I am contacting you, to express my very grateful thanks to S for her help, patience & commitment during 2 phone calls I had with her last week. 

My husband,  CWB, passed away suddenly in April 2020 and I was contacting Manor Park Cemetery in order to try to find where his own late father's place of rest was situated, following his sudden death at the age of 56 years. (WB) 

I had very little information to begin with due to the above, but with S's help, support and persistence, she was able to ascertain all the necessary information I needed regarding this. 

However, S helped me through this so we were able to find the relevant details and make clear plans for me to be able to visit the cemetry that weekend. She explained the detail of where I could expect to find the exact place and that one of the cemetry gardeners would be available to assist in this should I need help and how I could find him. 

I will also add that L, the gardener on the day, was also very helpful in sorting the exact plot in bringing the large cemetry map to the graveside to ensure we were at the right one. 

I therefore wanted to share my appreciation of all the time & effort that she spent investigating & explaining,  & re explaining.... the relevant information I needed in order that I now have further history of my late husband's family and was able to pay my respects.



I visited the above on the anniversary of my brother's birthday when the book is open and may I say how wonderful the gardens are looking and the roses are so healthy.

All the hard work of your staff is certainly paying off so please send my congratulations.

It's a real pleasure to visit and I just wish it was a slightly easier journey so I could do it more often.

Thank you again and best wishes to you all.