
Garden or Remembrance Quoted prices are for the provision and maintenance of purchased plants for a period of 10 years or 5 years. In the event of the failure of any plants from natural causes during the term of the contract Manor Park Cemetery will replace the item without charge. While Manor Park Cemetery will accept orders by post for the provision and selection of a rose, the company would welcome a personal selection. A facility is also available by telephone, we accept Visa/Mastercard etc. Please contact office for more information. All rose memorials are purchased on a 10 year or 5 year lease.
Standard Rose 10 Years £1,400.00
Standard Rose 5 Years £780.00
Flowering Shrub  10 Years £1,400.00
Flowering Shrub  5 Years £780.00
Hydrangea bed lease of plaque space - 10 year lease £500.00
Hydrangea bed lease of plaque space - 3 year lease £185.00
Interment of Cremated remains in Hydrangea Bed £220.00
Interment of cremated remains at existing Standard Rose/Bush/Shrub £140.00
Rose Bush 10 Years £885.00
Rose Bush 5 Years £470.00


Marble Plaques may be coloured Rust/ Blue/ or Green with Gold Lettering.
Bronze Memorial Plaque (With Motif) £365.00
Bronze Memorial Plaque (Words Only) £350.00
Deluxe Memorial Plaque with Photograph and Black, White or Gold Lettering (Single) £415.00
Marble Memorial Plaque (With Motif) £340.00
Marble Memorial Plaque (With Photograph) £510.00
Standard memorial plaques - Black with Gold or White Lettering (Double) £150.00
Standard memorial plaques - Black with Gold or White Lettering (Single) £145.00
Kerb plot with Flower Holder specifically for Marble Memorial Plaques £195.00
Deluxe Memorial plaques with Motif Black with Gold or White Lettering (Single) £195.00
Deluxe Memorial plaques with Motif Black with Gold or White Lettering (Double) £220.00

Book of Remembrance

Each entry includes one remembrance card free of charge. Further copies of the remembrance cards are available on request for the additional figure shown in brackets.
Standard Memorial Inscription - 2 line £190.00
Standard Memorial Inscription - 5 line £295.00
Standard Memorial Inscription - 8 line £460.00
Special Memorial with Floral or Regimental Emblem - 5 line inscription £460.00
Special Memorial with Floral or Regimental Emblem - 8 line inscription £580.00
5 line Extra Card £80.00
8 line Extra Card £95.00
5 line Extra Card - Special Memorial £135.00
8 line Extra Card - Special Memorial £150.00
2 line Extra Card £65.00

Garden Seat

Price includes a memorial plaque.
Seat £1,800.00
Additional Memorial Plaque £110.00
Annual maintenance - details on application £125.00


These are situated outside the Pavilion on the bricked wall and are for the duration or ten years.
Tablets - Words only £285.00
Tablets - Emblem (Dove, Rose, Angel, Cross, Teddy, Church window) £340.00
Tablets - Photograph £505.00