This section has been produced by Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium. It has been designed to address some of the common questions about cremation in a clear and straight forward manner.
In Great Britain nearly 70% of all recorded deaths are now followed by a Cremation.
All cremations at Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium are regulated and take place under the strict Code of Practice governed by the Federation of British Cremation Authorities.
All Christian denominations practise Cremation. Sikhs, Hindus Parsees and Buddhists also permit Cremation. Orthodox Jews and Muslims do not permit Cremation.
A Cremation is usually organised by a professional Funeral Director who will act according to the wishes of the applicant or next of kin.
The Funeral Director will organise the paperwork and all practical arrangements, such as ministers, organists and music requests for the service. They will then liaise with Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium to arrange a convenient date and time for the funeral.
Before leaving the Funeral Directors’ premises, it is preferable that all items of jewellery have been removed from the body prior to the coffin being sealed. The family will be able to organise this with the Funeral Director.
The Chapel
On the day of the funeral, the cortege will arrive at a predetermined time at Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium.
The Service
Family members and mourners will accompany the coffin to the Manor Park Cremation chapel for a religious, or non religious service.
This is usually conducted by a minister of religion, or by a friend or family member, when a minister is not required. The person taking the service will take direction from the family for the choice of prayers, music, readings and the overall tone of the service. Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium can provide all choices of recorded music and the chapel has an organ. The services of an organist should be prearranged with the Funeral Director.
The service will usually last for half an hour. If additional time is required, please ask the Funeral Director to arrange this with Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium.
During the service, usually at the point when the committal of the deceased takes place, the coffin will remain in situ on the catafalque. At Manor Park curtains are drawn at the end of the service, although they can remain open if requested until the family and mourners leave the chapel.
After the service the coffin passes into the committal chamber, into the professional hands of the crematorium staff, who are certificated by the Cremation Authorities.
This action signifies the end of the service and the minister will guide mourners to view the floral tributes displayed on the flower court.
At Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium it is possible that a limited number of mourners may witness the actual committal of the coffin to the cremator.
However this can only be done as a prior arrangement via the Funeral Director. In such cases it is advised that the mourners are accompanied by the Funeral Director, or minister.
At Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium the deceased and the coffin will be cremated together. It is not possible to cremate floral tributes with the coffin.
No other coffins are involved in the process. Mourners may be reassured that the whole process is handled within the strict guidelines of the Federation of British Cremation Authorities.
The Ashes
After the cremation, the remains of the deceased are taken to another area for cremulation when all ferrous metals or medical implants are removed for separate disposal.
The ashes are placed directly from the cremulator into a clearly labelled polytainer which shows the person’s name, the date of the cremation and the cremation number. This polytainer is used for storage until such time when the family, or Funeral Director wish to collect the ashes.
Should the family wish to scatter or bury the ashes in the Cemetery grounds, arrangements for a convenient date may be made with the staff in the cemetery office, and for the purchase of a casket if a burial of ashes is to take place.
Manor Park Cemetery & Crematorium is able to offer a number of suggestions for a special memorial for your loved one which will serve as a focal point for your memories.
Rose Garden
Ash Grave
Memorial Plaques
Book of Remembrance
Garden Seats
Details of these memorials may be discussed with the Funeral Director, or the Staff at Manor Park, who will be able to assist you with your requirements.